Marquis Faubourg Saint-Honore
When we travel we tend to seek out obscure, centrally-located hotels so that we can walk around the city with ease, exploring all of its nooks and crannies. In Italy, we usually book the J K Place in Florence and Capri because we appreciate the level of service and the uniqueness of each hotel’s aesthetic thanks in large part to architect MICHELE BONAN. In Paris, we tend to stay in several hotels over the course of a two-week stay, but we’ve never stayed at the hotel designed by MICHELE, so its moving to the top of our list for our next trip. The MARQUIS FAUBOURG SAINT-HONORE is ideally located in the heart of Paris in a historic home built in 1730 by the Marquis de Lafayette. With just fifteen rooms, the MARQUIS would be perfect for a romantic getaway or for anyone seeking privacy when staying far away from home.
MARQUIS Faubourg Saint-Honore
8, rue d’Anjou, 75008 Paris
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