

Conscious Uncoupling


If you’ve ever experienced a major loss of any kind, then your heart goes out to folks facing the end of their marriage. Marriage challenges every aspect of who you are and to remain on the side of happy is hard work. So, I was slightly appalled at folks on social media who were being sarcastic and even cheering the demise of GWYNETH PALTROW’S marriage to CHRIS MARTIN. Forget GOOP, forget the Vanity Fair rumors, these are two people who are in a great deal of pain right now and that is no laughing matter.

Look, I get it. When news broke Tuesday night the headline was about Gwyneth’s and Chris’ Conscious Uncoupling which is a bit new age-y, but when I actually read the post, I had to applaud Gwyneth for sharing the counseling she received from her spiritual advisors. I found their take on marriage and divorce enlightening and if you’re married, divorced or contemplating divorce, I recommend you read about Conscious Uncoupling. It’s so easy to be sarcastic, but when the matter is life altering — a little conscious kindness might be in order. Read Gwyneth’s post here.

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